Swiss choral life since 1800: Music, practice and contexts (2024, in German and French)
This open-access volume, edited by Caiti Hauck and Cristina Urchueguia, contains selected papers from the conference “Choral Life in Switzerland, 19th-21st Century”, as well as a report on the concerts organised as part of the conference.
Partial results of CLEFNI are presented in the article “Choral societies and networks in the 19th century: the cities of Berne and Fribourg as case studies” (in German).
Chigiana Journal of Musicological Studies (vol. 52, 2022): Choral societies and political power in the cities of Bern and Fribourg in the nineteenth century
Annales fribourgeoises (vol. 84, 2022): Choral societies and political music (in French)
Swiss Musical Journal (September 2021): Choral singing in Switzerland: past and present (in German)
Bern City Archives (June 2021): The Berner Liedertafel: a men’s choir with the best connections in politics (in German)
Swiss Musical Journal (April 2019): Bernese and Fribourg choral life in comparison (in German)
In the media
Radio RTS (March 2023): Les chorales, ces forges de lʹidentité suisse
La Liberté (September 2021): Bijoux musicaux d’Helvétie
Swiss Musical Journal (September 2021): Chorkultur historisch und geografisch
Radio RTS (September 2021): Des chercheurs à Berne se penchent sur le pouvoir de l’art choral
Radio SRF (September 2021): «Männerchöre und Politik — das war eng verbunden»
Nau (September 2021): Die Universität Bern lädt zum Event der Schweizer Chormusik ein
Media release Universität Bern (September 2021): Ein wegweisender Event zur Schweizer Chormusik
Passé Simple (September 2021): Le chant choral suisse